PPTX Renderer#

This package let’s you run your powerpoint presentations like a jupyter-notebook. You can insert placeholders in the ppt and also write python code in the ppt’s notes and use either a python function or an equivalent commandline tool to convert it into an output rendered presentation.

Below is a simple example.

from pptx_renderer import PPTXRenderer
p = PPTXRenderer("template.pptx")

someval = "hello"
def mymethod(abc):
   return f"{abc} " * 5

myimage = r"is_it_worth_the_time.png"
mytable = [["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]] * 10
      "someval": someval, "mymethod": mymethod, "myimage": myimage,
      "mytable": mytable,

This will convert this

Input Template

Input Template PPT#

to this.

Input Template

Output PPT#

You can define some functions within the ppt itself by writing python code in the notes section of slides. And the variables and functions in this code can be used in the main ppt.

If the template ppt is a self contained python script ie: if it does not require variable values and function definition to be passed from outside, you can generate the output ppt directly from the commandline using the following command.

pptx-renderer input_template.pptx output_file.pptx

See Running from command line

Indices and tables#